Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Site to site OpenVPN using Mikrotik RouterOS routers

I recently needed to set up a VPN between two sites using Mikrotik routers.  Whilst I'm reasonably familiar with OpenVPN, I'm a newcomer to Mikrotik routers so I had to do a fair bit of reading up to figure out how to get this to work how I wanted.

I found lots of how-to guides already but none really matched what I wanted to achieve and quite a few seemed pretty out of date, with commands for RouterOS that no longer work.

What I wanted to end up with is something like this:

So fairly standard for a VPN but I was keen that once set up, it just keeps working.  Things at Site A on subnet should be able to access things at Site B on the subnet automatically.  It also needed to survive a reboot of either router.

One big stumbling block I ran into with OpenVPN on Mikrotiks is that they don't support push-route so you can get the VPN server to push routes to the client(s).  So in the end I had to set up static IPs for the VPN to use (on the subnet) and static routes by IP address.

Worth noting that the Mikrotik routers also don't support OpenVPN over UDP but this wasn't an issue for me.

How to set up

Steps are:
  • set up NTP
  • generate certificates
  • set up server
  • set up client
  • add static routes on both ends

Set up NTP

It's important that the time is correct on both routers for the certificates to work.  Ideally they need to be talking to some NTP servers.  
In the web interface or Winbox, go to System & SNTP Client.  Add some NTP servers, if using pool.ntp.org then ensure you add several DNS names:

Generating Certificates

There's several ways of doing this, if you have OpenVPN installed on a "normal" computer (such as a Linux server or desktop) then you can use the Easy-RSA package to generate certificates for you.  There are also websites which will do the job for you.  I used the Mikrotik router itself to do the job.  All the work is done using one router.

Using newer versions of RouterOS (I'm using 6.25 for this), you create certificate templates first and then sign them.  It's possible using the web interface or the Winbox tool (which runs fine with wine) but I used the command line interface because it was quicker.

Generate templates:
/certificate add name=ca-template common-name=myCa key-usage=key-cert-sign,crl-sign
/certificate add name=server-template common-name=server
/certificate add name=client1-template common-name=client1
Change the common-name to something more descriptive if you want.

Then sign the certificates:
/certificate sign ca-template ca-crl-host= name=myCa
/certificate sign ca=myCa server-template name=server
/certificate sign ca=myCa client1-template name=client1
Set CA and server cert as trusted:
/certificate set myCa trusted=yes
/certificate set server trusted=yes
Now export the CA and the client certificate so they can be copied onto the Mikrotik router for Site B:
/certificate export-certificate myCa
/certificate export-certificate client1 export-passphrase=xxxxxxxx
Copy these two files off router A and onto router B, this is easy to do in the web interface or Winbox.

In web interface or Winbox on router B, go to "System" & "Certificates" and import the CA and the client certificate.

Setup the Server

This is all done on router A which is acting as the server.  It doesn't matter which router you use as the server but it should ideally have a static IP address on the Internet facing interface (or at least be using some kind of dynamic DNS service) - the client has to know where to access the server!  The client(s) could be on dynamic IPs.

Create a PPP profile for this VPN:

Note how the static IP addresses to be used for the VPN ( & are defined here.  You can choose whatever IPs you want but they shouldn't clash with any of the subnets already in use at any of the sites you are going to connect on this VPN.

Create a PPP authentication for this client to use:

As well as being used for authentication, it associates the client with the PPP profile you created above so if you have multiple clients, create multiple profiles and multiple authentications linking them together.

Click on the OVPN Server button on the PPP Interfaces tab and enable the OpenVPN server:

Select the "server" certificate, make sure "require client certificate" is chosen.  You can use whatever authentication methods and ciphers you want, just make sure that when you set up a client, you set it to use matching settings.

The last job on the server is to open up the OpenVPN port on the firewall:

Setup the Client

Assuming you have already loaded and imported the CA & client1 certificates, connecting to the OpenVPN server is simple.  

Add a new PPP interface of type OVPN Client:

This should be fairly self-explanatory by now!  Make sure to use the correct username & password as configured for the PPP Profile on the server, choose the correct certificate and make sure the auth method & cipher are compatible with your server settings.
For what I want, I don't want the default route setting because I only want to use the VPN to access devices on the remote network, all other traffic should still go out over the local Internet connection.  So we will add static routes to do this next.

Add Static Routes

By now the VPN is connected and working.  But, site A wants to access devices on the subnet at site B and site B wants to access devices on the subnet at site A.  A static route is needed at each end for this.

At site A, add a new route.  The only required information is the destination address and the gateway to use.  These will be the local network at site B, and the OpenVPN address of site B:

Then at site B, do the same but using the local subnet at site A and the OpenVPN IP address at site A.

Once these are saved they will persist OpenVPN being restarted, Internet connection failures etc... 

The great thing I find with OpenVPN is that once you've got it up and running you can just forget about it and it keeps on working.  It is very good at reconnecting after failures too (such as Internet connection drop outs, router reboots etc...).

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Building your own firmware for Ciseco XRF modules (CC1110 System on a Chip) in Linux

In this post are my notes on what was required to write, compile and upload my own firmware to a Ciseco XRF module which is based on a TI CC1110 chipset.

An XRF module is an X-Bee shaped radio device that is designed for adding low power radio communication to things like Arduino or a Raspberry Pi:


I have used them in my own home automation applications, they are very simple to use.  With the firmware you can get from Ciseco they will act as simple serial-to-radio devices allowing something like an Arduino to communication wirelessly with other devices.

Since the XRF module uses a TI CC1110 system-on-chip module (which contains an 8051 CPU, a radio transceiver and some other bits and pieces), it is a microcontroller in it's own right.  You can get firmware from Ciseco which will take readings from temperature probes or active a relay and a few other uses:


I was interested in writing my own firmware for the XRF module, there are some instructions on the Ciseco website:


But they are using the developer tools that Texas Instruments (who make the chip) provide and they seem to assume that everyone uses Windows, which I do not.

It took a fair bit of Googling, trial and error and experimentation but I now have a fully working setup for compiling my own firmware and burning it into the memory of an XRF module.

A Word Of Warning

Over-writing the Ciseco supplied firmware with your own is irreversible.  Once you've done this you will never be able to load a Ciseco firmware back onto the module.  It is possible that Ciseco will do this for you if you post the module back to them but they may not be interested in doing that.  I'd imagine it will void any warranty.

You have been warned!

Hardware needed

Assuming you want to continue, here's what I am using.

  • A Ciseco XRF module.  So far I've only done this with an older v1.5 XRF module as I had a spare one lying around.  I don't see why it shouldn't work on newer ones though.  I will eventually be using a newer SRF (surface mount version of the XRF), so I'll update this in time.  If you haven't got one, buy one from Ciseco - link to their shop is above.
  • Prototyping board (aka 'breadboard'), a selection of jumper wires, an LED and a resistor of value at least 100ohms.  All this can be supplied by the likes of Farnell or Maplin Electronics or even just from ebay if you don't have them already.
  • XRF break-out board.  This isn't essential but highly recommended as the XRF has 2mm spaced pins and wont fit into a standard breadboard with 2.54mm pins:  http://shop.ciseco.co.uk/xbbo-break-out-board-for-xbee-shaped-modules/
  • CC-Debugger.  This is the device for burning the firmware onto the XRF module (or any compatible microcontroller).  It is made by Texas Instruments but fortunately it's quite cheap in comparison to the development kits for some other microcontrollers:  http://shop.ciseco.co.uk/texas-instruments-cc-debugger-iar-compiler/ or http://uk.farnell.com/texas-instruments/cc-debugger/debuggerprogrammer-for-rf-soc/dp/1752232?ost=cc-debugger

Connecting to the CC-Debugger

There's just a few wires needed to connect the XRF module to the cc-debugger.  Here is a diagram showing the connections I used:

Note that the ten-pin connection is shown as you are looking at the end of the ribbon cable with it connected to the cc-debugger, pin one is bottom left).  The debugger itself will supply power (from pin 9) to the XRF and the level select pin so no other power source is needed.  
I set this out on my breadboard and ended up with this:

The wire colours in my photo match my diagram above.

Using the CC-Debugger from Linux

At this point you are supposed to install a Windows-only toolkit to use the cc-debugger.  After a bit of searching I did find code that someone has written to allow the debugger to be used from Linux and it's hosted on github.  Use git to download the source and then build it like so:
git clone https://github.com/dashesy/cc-tool.git
cd cc-tool
At this stage it may say you have some of the build tools or libraries (such as libusb-1.0.0-dev) missing.  Just use your Linux distribution's standard package search and installer tools to install the requirements.  In Debian Wheezy I needed:
Then compile and install it:
make install
Test it is working with the CC-Debugger connected using the USB cable and wired to the XRF module as above by simply issuing the cc-tool command like so:
sudo cc-tool
Sudo is needed for libusb access on my computer.  You should see this:
Programmer: CC Debugger
Target: CC1110
No actions specified
Which means it has detected both the CC-Debugger and the CC1110 chip you have connected to it!  If you see "no target detected" then you probably don't have the XRF module wired up correctly.  
You'll also see the LED on the cc-debugger go green when it is connected correctly to the XRF module.

Compiling code

Next, you want to be able to write code, compile it and burn it to the memory of the XRF module.  
The "Small-Devices-C-Compiler" (SDCC) is used for this.  Simply install the sdcc package from your Linux distribution's package installer.  
In Debian I noticed that there is a package called "cc1111" which says it is a fork of sdcc with improvements for TI 8051-based RF SOCs, which includes the CC1110.  I used this package and it works well.  It seems to be a drop-in replacement for sdcc.
sudo apt-get install cc1111
 Then the command "sdcc --version" will show you something like:
paul:~$ sdcc --version
SDCC : mcs51 2.9.0 #5416 (Jun 30 2012) (UNIX)

Hello World

When learning a new programming language, the first thing to do is to write a "hello world" program.  The equivalent when trying out a new microcontroller is to blink an LED.
Here is some c code which I wrote to do this:
#include <cc1110.h>

void delay(int msec) {
  int i,j;

  for (i=0; i<msec; i++)
    for (j=0; j<1000; j++);
void main(void) {
  P0DIR |= 0x01;
  P0_0 = 0;

  while (1) {
    P0_0 ^= 1;
Firstly, this includes the libraries for the cc1110 chip.  Then it defines a simple function to delay the CPU for a small amount of time (it's not very accurate but a decent enough example for this).  It's not a million miles off milliseconds.  Then there is a main function which is what gets executed when the XRF boots up.  
The pins of the cc1110 are grouped into "ports" which can have 8 pins in each one.  The first port is P0 and P0 can have pins P0_0 to P0_7.  Note that not all pins are present on the cc1110 and even less are broken out to a physical pin on the XRF module.  The documentation on the Ciseco website shows which pins you can access.  In my example I am using P0_0 which is the first pin of port 0 and equates to pin 12 of the XRF module (2nd from bottom on the right hand side from the top of the module).
P0DIR sets the direction of the pins on port 0, I'm setting the first pin to 1 here using a bitmask which means P0_0 will be an output.  This is essential because all pins are inputs by default.  Then I set the level of P0_0 to 0 to turn the pin off.
The while loop (which will just run forever), toggles pin P0_0 from 0 to 1 and back using a bitwise XOR and then calls the delay function to wait for approximately one second.  This will cause the LED to flash slowly.
With an LED and a suitable current limiting resistor (100ohms or higher) wired up to P0_0, I ended up with this:

Compiling the code

Now to cross-compile the c code for the 8051 architecture and generate an Intel hex file which can be burnt to the XRF module.  This is what sdcc will do.  I used the following 'make' file that I found on the Internet and edited a bit:
# CC Debugger - Example Payload
# Fergus Noble (c) 2011
CC = sdcc
CFLAGS = --model-small --opt-code-speed
--out-fmt-ihx \
--code-loc 0x000 --code-size 0x8000 \
--xram-loc 0xf000 --xram-size 0x300 \
--iram-size 0x100
ifdef DEBUG
CFLAGS += --debug
SRC = test.c
%.rel : %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o$*.rel $<
all: $(PROGS)
test.hex: $(REL) Makefile
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS_FLASH) $(CFLAGS) -o test.hex $(REL)
rm -f $(ADB) $(ASM) $(LNK) $(LST) $(REL) $(RST) $(SYM)
rm -f $(PROGS) $(PCDB) $(PLNK) $(PMAP) $(PMEM) $(PAOM)
Save this into a file called "Makefile" in the same folder as your c code - which needs to be in a file called test.c.  You can reuse this Makefile by changing the source file name and other places the filenames appear.
To compile your code simply type "make" in the same folder as your c code and Makefile.
You'll end up with a few files generated.  The important one will be called "test.hex".  This is the firmware to load onto the XRF module.
Use cc-tool to upload to the connected XRF module with this command (note, this is the point of no return, once you've ran this your XRF module will no longer work with any standard Ciseco firmware files):
sudo cc-tool -v -e -w test.hex
That's it, your LED should now be flashing!