Firstly, to get to a command line through serial without having to use the ctrl+z method described previously. Get to the command once once using that method, then use vi to edit the file /etc/boottab, this controls the programs that start on boot.
Find a line near the end:
/bin/vs/vs_auto.shand add an ampersand at the end like this:
/bin/vs/ &Then save the file. This will background the vs_server program so you can get to the command line with it running.
The device has a watchdog running on it, this looks for various events and makes sure various processes are running. If they are not then the camera reboots. It is this that reboots the device if you stop vs_server by doing ctrl+c or ctrl+z once it's finished booting before editing the boottab file.
There's not much you can do with the watchdog as it is controlled by the program /bin/vs/vs_server which is a compiled ELF executable and not editable.
You can run telnetd now but you will find that it attempts to start a 2nd copy of vs_server, which then crashes and causes another reboot almost as soon as you telnet in!
To get telnet starting at boot, find a comment in the /etc/boottab file that reads:
#start TelnetdAnd add:
/bin/telnetd &On the next line. Save and close the file.
Now your problem is stopping vs_server running a second time when you telnet in. Edit the file /etc/profile file (which is executed whenever a user logs in) and find the line:
/etc/boottab ipcameraRemove this line and replace it with the following section of code:
if [ -z "$(pidof vs_server)" ]Save and close the file. This code means the vs_server is only started if the vs_server process does not already exist. So vs_server still starts when the camera boots (as well as the watchdog it has the web server, rtsp server etc... built into it). But, it wont attempt to run again when you telnet in, or log in via any other method for that matter.
/etc/boottab ipcamera
That's it. Now you can put away your serial cable and telnet to your camera whenever you want!
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